Neck Pain Doctor in Kansas City | Neck Pain Solutions for Office Workers

Having a cushy office job can offer many benefits, allowing people to work from any location while staying connected with customers around the world. It doesn’t matter if you are working at the office or have a work-from-home arrangement. Spending that much time at the computer can take a toll on your health. Many office workers need to find a neck pain doctor in Kansas City.

Neck Pain: Common Cause for Chiropractic Care

It’s estimated that neck pain affects up to 69% of people who work in office environments. Often, these symptoms are recurring. Spending all day at the computer can cause ongoing inflammation and tenderness, making it difficult to get rid of the pain.

When you talk to a neck pain doctor in Kansas City, the treatment process is focused on two crucial elements:

  1. Fast Pain Relief: The first goal is to alleviate your pain and help you feel better as quickly as possible. A chiropractor can help with a multi-faceted treatment plan that includes chiropractic care, physical medicine, pain relief, and regenerative medicine.

  2. Preventive Solutions: Additionally, it’s essential to address how lifestyle is affecting the ongoing pain. Your doctor will discuss details such as your posture and ergonomics when sitting at the computer. If you are proactive about protecting your neck and spine, you can reduce the likelihood of future issues.

Finding Relief for Neck Pain

You might not be able to avoid neck pain in the future completely. However, you can lower your risk of pain through regular physical activity and lifestyle adjustments. The first step is to consult with a neck pain doctor in Kansas City.

Our team at LifeWorks offers a unique treatment approach using our Comprehensive Care model. Through this process, our goal is to get to the root cause of your pain. Many people are able to experience ongoing relief through this holistic approach. If you prefer a non-surgical, drug-free approach, then we invite you to schedule a consultation. We take the time to listen to your needs and design a customized plan that gets to the root of your pain.