What is Nutrition Response Testing treatment in Kansas City?


1. Through an analysis of your body’s organs/areas, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet, in order to bring about balance and better health.

2. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, or powdered form to “supplement” your current diet. That’s why they are called “food supplements.”

3. Depending on your individual situation, we might also require that you make some specific changes in your diet & eating habits, and in your routines, in order to bring about the best possible results.

There is a Great Deal of Technology and Know-How Behind What We Do Having been designed through decades of clinical use on tens of thousands of patients, and on patients from many different types of healthcare practitioners, you can be assured that Nutrition Response Testing is capable of evaluating and solving your health concerns.

An analysis of your active organs/areas will be performed on each follow-up visit. Often these follow-up visits also reveal additional layers of dysfunction. These can then be addressed in the correct sequence for your body.

Each patient gets a completely individualized program.

Very much like opening a combination lock, you must use the right numbers in the right sequence and in the right direction at the right time – then the lock opens easily.

Therefore, since every case is different, by following the correct sequence as revealed through Nutrition Response Testing, even the most complicated cases can be handled.