Root Causes of Gut Inflammation in Kansas City

The root cause of gut inflammation could be any number of things. Diet, genetic predisposition, illness, stress, and even certain types of over-the-counter medications can cause digestive problems. What all these things have in common is what experts regard as triggers. Instead of finding out what’s causing your digestive issues, consider looking for natural ways to heal the inflammation caused by your “gut trigger.”

This article describes the specific causes of gut inflammation.

Major reasons for gut inflammation border around one’s diet, lifestyle, environment, and state of their health.


Gut infections make you more susceptible to gut inflammation. They can be viral, parasitical, bacterial, or yeast infections. H Pylori infection is another known reason for an inflamed gut.

Viral infections like respiratory ones interfere with the microbiomes in the gut, causing gut inflammation. Additionally, bacterial infections like pneumonia have the same effect on the gut. They are also a leading cause of gut inflammation symptoms.

Reduced Stomach Acid Levels

Ever thought of how vital the acid in our stomach is? The correct stomach acid levels help disinfect the stomach and kill harmful bacteria. They also aid digestion, meaning that reduced stomach acid levels will give room for the growth of bacteria.

Having low stomach acids impairs your digestion, making you deficient in specific nutrients and contributing to gut inflammation.

The Medications You Use

Taking medicine is essential in healing select ailments. However, the innocent act of using or overusing some medications can make you prone to gut inflammation.

Common drugs that may result in gut inflammation are:

  1. Oral contraceptives. They can cause both gut inflammation and Crohn’s disease.

  2. SSRIs also increase the chances of gut inflammation and even dysbiosi

  3. NSAIDs interfere with important gut microbiomes allowing gut inflammation to occur

  4. PPIs reduce good bacteria and promote the growth of harmful bacteria, causing gut inflammation

  5. Antibiotics clean up essential gut bacteria. Such bacteria prevents inflammation and Leaky gut syndrome

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

This condition results from excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestines. It triggers intestinal inflammation and leads to gut inflammation too. Some symptoms of SIBO are:

1)  Pain in the abdomen

2)  Bloating

3)  Diarrhea

4)  Constipation

5)  Malnutrition

6)  Sensitivity to certain foods and

7)  Fatigue

Problems with Bile Flow and Production of the Pancreatic Enzyme

Bile is a liquid from our gall bladder. It plays a vital role in digesting fats and maintaining our gut health—pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas help digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Challenges in the production of pancreatic enzymes and bile can cause gut inflammation. Therefore, inadequate bile flow can make you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A dysfunctional pancreas can cause IBD as well.


Your diet will either increase or reduce your chances of gut inflammation. A diet featuring a lot of processed foods, gluten, junk, additives, alcohol, and refined sugar or oil, will cause inflammatory issues, including gut inflammation.

Sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet full of whole foods will reduce inflammatory problems. Such a diet alleviates the risk of gut inflammation.

Sensitivity to Certain Food Items

It is easy to confuse food allergies with food sensitivity. However, the difference lies in how long it takes before your body reacts to a particular food. Allergic reactions are immediate, while sensitivities take time. Sensitivity to food does not only delay but is also mild compared to an allergy.

However, if you continue eating food you are sensitive to, you will experience severe symptoms and inflammation, like gut inflammation. The problem is that you may not identify the immediate cause of inflammation from your food.

Inadequate Sleep and Excessive Stress

Sleep and stress are potential causes of chronic inflammation. High stress levels and lack of enough sleep will increase the chances of gut inflammation. However, maintaining a lifestyle with good exercise will improve your gut health, while a relaxed one can be detrimental to your gut.

A Compromised Vagal Tone

Your vagus nerve dictates your vagal tone. If the vagus nerve fails in its function, you may experience nervous system problems and mental or emotional health problems. It can also affect your autoimmune system and cause other health problems like gut issues, migraines, hypertension, and fibromyalgia.

Here’s how: the vagus nerve connects the brain with the gut. Problems with the vagal tone will compromise one’s gut health and cause gut inflammation.


Gut inflammation is a serious health problem. Do you need a health coach in Kansas City? Talk to us for more health insights.