What is Corrective Care for Arthritis?


Corrective Care:

You may have heard this term if you have gone to a chiropractor or physical therapist in the past, but I want to make sure you really understand what that is.

Corrective care starts with testing to see how your body is functioning on the inside, biomechanically (how your joints move). They should all move into normal ranges of motion. When they begin to move out of this normal range of motion, the biomechanics are off. Corrective care can properly assess whether those joints are functioning properly or not.

When you only go to a chiropractor, or rehab (PT), or a doctor when you are in pain – at that point – the joint is already in a degenerative state.  We want to try to catch it before it ever gets to that point.

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability today. That is why we have made it a point at LifeWorks to make sure that we are functionally screening and testing people through various motions and movements to see where they are at (functionally). Because if we can catch this before it gets to its degenerative point, then people aren’t suffering from as much pain as they are now.

Corrective care is really functional care. Functional care is how we determine if you are getting better or not, if you are improving function. It is not based upon how you feel. Functional care, or corrective care, improves the pain because as you improve function, the pain slowly goes away with that. It helps to prevent arthritis.

  • It helps to reduce pain.

  • It also helps to balance out the imbalanced muscles that are happening within the body as a result of this poor biomechanical challenge that is going on.

  • Then it corrects the biomechanics.

So, corrective care is much different than just going in for an adjustment when you are in pain, but it actually helps to correct the cause of the problem.

Once you get as high functioning as you possibly can, then it is very important to maintain. It is important to maintain spinal hygiene and joint hygiene.

Don’t wait until you are in pain – this goes back to the mindset of “treating the symptoms”.  Start maintaining your joint and spine health today!